Idol Americano

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

The Girls: Week Three

Ok, I tried to post this a little while ago, and it deleted for some reason, so here I go again.

1. Amanda Avila: "River Deep, Mountain High" (Tina Turner): Amanda is a Gemini, but the only "two sides" I saw of her were Bland and Blander. I don't think it's a good idea to perform a Tina Turner song when you have no soul. However, I could see her jammin' onstage with Bugs Bunny at Great America.

2. Janay Castine: "Dreaming of You" (Selena): Janay is a Libra, and I'm going to "weigh in" on how much she sucked. She was out of tune, "pitchy," and had the "you killed my puppy" face going as usual. Paula Abdul is an idiot; even though she acknowledge Janay's craptitude, she still encouraged her fans to vote for her. Note: I still don't really know what Selena looks like, I always picture Jennifer Lopez.

3. Carrie Underwood: "Because You Loved Me" (JoDee Messina):
Carrie is a Pisces, and when she goes fishing, she never uses live bait and always releases the fish after she catches them. Great story, Carrie. Anyway, this song was boring, and the performance was dull and not as technically good as the judges seemed to think. I think Carrie is great, but this wasn't a good performance.

4. Vonzell Solomon: "Respect" (Aretha Franklin): Vonzell is a Pisces, and yet she dressed up like a cowgirl. Interesting. Anyway, this was a great performance, Vonzell reminds me of the female Travis Tucker but with actual vocal talent.

5. Nadia Turner: "Try a Little Tenderness" (Otis Redding): Nadia is a Capricorn. I got nothing. Anyway, this was pretty awesome. I love watching Nadia perform, she really does remind me a bit of a young Tina Turner, and she picks unusual songs and does them well.

6. Lindsay Cardinale: "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" (Aerosmith): Lindsay is an Aquarius, but unlike other Aquariuses (Aquarii?), she is not unemotional and detached. Maybe not, but the majority of her performances are. Anyway, Lindsay did well tonight, I liked her song choice and her voice, but she needs to stop squatting like she has to take a crap.

7. Mikalah Gordon: "Somewhere" (West Side Story): Mikalah is a Capricorn, and tonight she was a Crapricorn. This was not good. I usually like the tone of Mikalah's voice, but not tonight, she was offkey a lot. Also, she needs to get her personality back when she sings and stop with the ballads.

8. Jessica Sierra: "The Boys Are Back in Town" (The Busboys): Jessica is a Scorpio, FYI. She did an AWESOME job tonight. Like Nadia, she picks songs you might not expect, but does them very well. The outfit, though was a no.

The Best: Jessica, Nadia
The Worst: Janay, Mikalah, Amanda


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