Idol Americano

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Top 10

Last week's kickoff? Completely deserved. However, what wasn't deserved was that little "All Star" music video. I hate you Smashmouth. So last night's theme was '90's, and you'd think they'd pick good stuff. For the most part, you'd be wrong.

1. Bo Bice: "Remedy"(Black Crowes): Bo is my favorite, but I was not a fan this week. I really don't like that song, it's not particularly melodic and didn't showcase his voice. Bo, you had so many options. I don't know what songs they have clearance for, but dude, you could have done some Vedder. I would have loved to see "Daughter" or "Alive." If you're going for Black Crowes, there's always "She Talks to Angels," though I think that might be more of a Constipated song choice. Also, the hat, Bo,was not good. This isn't "Southern Pimpalooza 2005." I don't know how the singing was, really, because it was hard to pick up, but the "showmanship" was good as usual.

2. Jessica Sierra: "On the Side of Angels"(LeAnn Rimes): For all her talking about the Dixie Chicks, why didn't she perform one of their songs? She reminds me so much of Natalie Maines, and I would have loved to see "Goodbye Earl" or "Ready to Run." If you're going for LeAnn, there are better options, this song was just bland. She sang it well, but it was bland and forgettable.

3. Anwar Robinson: "I Believe I Can Fly"(R. Kelly): Oh how I hate this song. It's so, so cheesy and over the top. Anwar, this was not good. You haven't been good lately, and I'm starting to not be your fan. Randy and Simon got it right: he sucks when he starts and then hits the glory notes at the end, which makes people forget how much he sucked when he started. Paula, as usual, is insane. Can we PLEASE get rid of her, or just change up the judging order, making Paula go first, to see if it would make a difference?

4. Nadia Turner: "I'm the Only One" (Melissa Etheridge): I like this song, and I had high hopes for this performance. Nadia performed it well, but her voice was kind of weak. She sounded scratchy and not particularly powerful. It was much, much better than last week though.

5. Constantine Maroulis: "I Can't Make You Love Me" (Bonnie Raitt): This is a really pretty song, but it's so depressing. I always call it the "My Dog Just Died and There's Nothing I Can Do About It" song. Anyway, vocally, Constantine was pretty good, I would say it was his best VOCAL performance. Other than that, though, it creeped me WAY the hell out. Constipated, aka Smeagol, just gives me major "Chester the Molester" vibes. I just picture him trying to woo underage girls to his hoopty with the promise of Funyuns. Anyway, Constantine does that creepy stare/leer thing that makes me hide in my couch. This is supposed to be a vulnerable song, and Constantine just does not project vulnerability, especially when he stood up and seemed to be presenting his crotch. Constantine, in one way your song choice was right: you can't make me love you and I don't.

6. Nikko Smith: "Can We Talk" (Tevin Campbell): Oh, this was great. I frickin' love this song. Whatever happened to Tevin Campbell? Oh. Anyway, I believe I uttered the words, "This is the jam!" during this performance. It was sooooo good. I'm really liking Nikko these days, and my mom is becoming obsessed. Nice work, Stefan Urquelle!

7. Anthony Federov: "Something About the Way You Look Tonight" (Elton John): There was something about the way Anthony looked tonight: he looked bad. He needs the glasses, and I briefly thought that this week's trach scar highlighting accessory was a Tiffany necklace. Anthony, those are for girls. Anyway, this was boring, crappy song, and I don't know if Mr. Tracheotomy should be singing about anything "taking his breath away." Just saying.

8. Carrie Underwood: "Independence Day" (Martina McBride): Martina is not my favorite country singer, just a little too Lifetime Television for Women for my taste, but as usual, Carrie was great, and she seemed to be showing more emotion this week.

9. Scott Savol: "One Last Cry" (Brian McKnight): Good song, okay performance. Much better than Camille Velasquez's mush-mouthed performance last year. Scott is decent and all, but he's not going to win this, so I'm okay with him going at any time.

10. Vonzell Solomon: "I Have Nothing" (Whitney Houston): I was hoping and hoping that Vonzell would bust out with some En Vogue ("Giving Him Something He Can Feel" would have been awesome) but this was really great. I love this song for some reason, and she just belted it out. Vonzell is really doing well lately, I wish she would have worn that crazy sequined headpiece that Whitney wore in the movie though.

The Best: Nikko, Carrie, Vonzell
The Worst: Anthony, Anwar, Scott


At 7:23 PM, Blogger Shannon said...

I love Bo, "meh" performance notwithstanding. That hat, though? Fug. He should have done "Hard to Handle" if he wanted to do Black Crowes (yeah, I know that's a cover, but I don't know the original artist. Whatever).

Paula is high and/or drunk. For real, y'all. Did you see her on "The Daily Show"? Slurry McCan'tTalkRight.

Sweet, kind, lovely Joe, who has nary a harsh word for anyone, summed up my feelings about Constantine perfectly: "He's a stroke." You know he's thinking, "Yeah, all the girls want me." Well, not this chica. Something about Constipated makes me cringe and shout obscenities at my TV. More often than not it's "Shut up, Constantine," or "F**k you, Constantine." Words cannot encapsulate my hate. You're not a rocker, you're a cherub-cheeked poser. Tonight, I wanted to put my fist through my TV when he did that stupid leg kick (WTF?) during "Everything is Beautiful." Oh, for the love of God, shut the fuck up, Constantine.

I think I am the only one, but I really liked Nadia's performance. I really like Melissa Etheridge, especially this song, and I think it was a brave choice. Plus, Nadia is "the only one" (ok, I'll stop with my stupid pun) who looks like she's having fun up there. Also, she's cute and has good hair. Hey, I'm easy to please. I guess if she wanted to do Melissa and showcase her voice better, she could have done "Come to My Window." Although it makes me picture crazy Juliette Lewis.

Vonzell rocked, although I agree that "Giving Him Something He Can Feel" would have been an amazing song choice.

Carrie is phenomenal. Nikko? Meh, for me. He sounds like every other male R&B singer to me.

I heart Anwar. I also think he's a nerd, which makes me like him even more.


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